When: Saturday, June 2, 2007
Where: American Iron Gym
650 South Rock Blvd
Reno, Nevada
Director: Dick Halminiak - Phone (775)849-1613
The Lifts: The Snatch and the Clean and Jerk
Elegibility: Open to all Nevada teenage athletes. Proof of
age is required (drivers license/birth certificate).
Athletes must be 2007 USA Weightlifting (USAW)
registered athletes. USAW is a member ot the US
Olympic Comittee (USOC). Bring your USAW card or
you may register at the competition. No card-No lift.
Rules: USAW rules will apply. Visit
Costume: One piece lifting suits with (optional) bicycle type
shorts. First time lifters may wear a wrestling
singlet or shorts and a t-shirt. Elbows and knees
must be visible for judging purposes.
Weighin: All lifters weighin from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM.
Lifting: All lifters begin lifting at 11:00 AM.
Awards: Awards for first, second and third place in each
weight class in each age group. Each participant
receives a commerative t-shirt.
Divisions: Men's and Women's Divisions include students
age 12 thru 19 as of December 31, 2007
Age Groups: Age groups are age 13 and under, age 14-15,
age 16-17 and age 18-19.
Entry Fee: $10.00 (Checks payable to Dick Halminiak)
Entry Deadline: Entry Form Postmarked no later than May 22, 2007.
Mail Entry/Fee: Dick Halminiak
P. O. Box 18725
Reno, NV 89511